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Real-Time Support Status

The quality of support provided by a vendor of a core business system is critical. But without any public data, you're left guessing about the quality of support you'll receive from them. Rippling is the first in the industry to publish its support metrics in real time. We believe this radical transparency is the right thing to do for our customers, and we are proud that our support ratings on G2 Crowd are consistently higher than those of our peers.

We hope that by taking this step we can lead the way for the entire industry. Learn more.

How fast do we resolve support inquiries?

Time to First Response (TFR) by channel

Data refreshed daily at 9am PT

Live chat response time

The time between when a customer first gets in touch over live chat to when a Rippling support team member responds.


90th Percentile

0min 21s

90-day average


% of live chats customers ask to convert to call

Customers can call a Rippling support agent by asking to convert their Live Chat to a Virtual Call. That way, our support agents can talk to customers while they share their screen, in order to help resolve their support case more quickly.


90-day average


Email response time

The time between when a customer first gets in touch via email to when a Rippling support team member responds.


90th Percentile

2hr 4min

90-day average


How effectively do we resolve support inquiries?

First Contact Resolution rate (FCR)

% of cases resolved by first response

First Contact Resolution rate (FCR) is based on the percentage of email and web cases where a support agent was able to resolve a case on the first reply. In the spirit of transparency, we've expanded FCR to show what percentage of tickets required 2, 3, and 4 or more responses to resolve.


90-day average

1st Response

2nd Response

3rd Response

4+ Responses


Customer Satisfaction

Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)

Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) is an industry standard customer experience metric that measures customers' overall satisfaction with a product, service, or support interaction. A score of 90 or above is considered excellent.


90-day average
