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Superhuman cuts employee onboarding in half with Rippling

Superhuman was frustrated by the countless hours spent on manual work in Gusto. With Rippling, Superhuman has reduced time spent on HR and IT tasks by 75%.


reduction in time spend on HR & IT tasks


admin hours saved per month


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Pain Points

Manual drudgery: Superhuman’s HR leader lost an hour a day on manual processes with Gusto, the company’s previous payroll and benefits platform. 

Slow onboarding: Onboarding took six and half hours per new hire, partially due to the drawn-out app-provisioning process. 

Searching for support: Superhuman sought help with manual HR and IT processes, but didn’t want to bloat its headcount or pay for extra systems.

The Challenge

Less than a month after joining Superhuman, Kristen Hayward, the email software company’s Head of People, had become increasingly frustrated with the existing payroll and benefits platform.

 “I was spending an hour per day in Gusto because I had to run everything manually—and I don’t have that hour to spare,” she said. Superhuman also hires about 15 people per quarter. “Every time a new employee joined, our people managers had to create 20+ new accounts for all of our different apps,” she explained. “It took about six and a half hours to onboard someone.

Kristen thought her company, which saves users time in their inboxes, should leverage an HR platform that saves its people team time on manual work.

Kristen was initially interested in going with Zenefits, but gave Rippling a closer look after seeing that it integrated with Bennie, her benefits solution and broker. She loved that Rippling lets you manage payroll, benefits, apps, and devices all in one place.

From the get-go, Kristen was impressed with the implementation process, which only took a week and a half and required “surprisingly minimal work.” In total, she spent less than three hours on the entire process, including internal change management, thanks to Rippling’s great implementation team.

Not only did Rippling take care of the heavy lifting, their quality control is fantastic. I didn’t see any errors with Rippling.

Kristen Hayward

Head of People at Superhuman


Less time on manual work, more time on strategic work

With Rippling, Kristen now spends “almost no time” on manual people ops work. “The company’s People Ops Coordinator is currently on maternity leave, so even though I’m currently taking on her workload, I’m only spending about 15 minutes per day in Rippling,” she said. “As a result, Kristen gets to spend more time doing what she enjoys: building great people programs.

Rippling has also freed up time for the wider team to focus on more strategic work. Because Rippling allows you to automatically provision employees’ apps securely when they join, the onboarding time for new employees has been reduced by more than 50%. As Kristen puts it, “Instead of spending time on creating new employee accounts, our people managers can now spend that time thinking about how to best welcome the person and set them up for success.


Faster onboarding, happier employees

Kristen was also thrilled by the positive reactions from employees after running payroll with Rippling for the first time. “Employees were pinging me to tell me how glad they were that we’d switched. The process of setting up their accounts was easier, and they felt as though they were getting paid faster. It was constant praise,” she said. “This was a dream for me to hear because I want our team to have access to high-quality, beautifully designed, friction-free tools that they actually enjoy using—that’s all part of creating a delightful employee experience.

Employees were pinging me to tell me how glad they were that we switched.

Kristen Hayward

Head of People at Superhuman


Support that goes above and beyond

One of Kristen’s favorite things about Rippling is the world-class support. “For me, the service component is just as important as the software component,” she explained. “With Rippling, I get responses in minutes, whereas the same questions could take other providers a week to solve.” 

As someone who cares deeply about her team, Kristen feels as though she’s found the perfect tool in Rippling. “Every person that I’ve worked with at Rippling has a real sense of empathy for our employees who are using their product daily—they want to create the best experience possible. It feels like Rippling is a partner for me in shaping that experience, not just a software provider.”


“Money back in our budget”

Kristen also loves that Rippling is a one-stop shop for employee management. “Originally, I was planning to invest in some additional systems alongside Gusto, including mobile device management, onboarding tasks management, and a benefits admin system. Because Rippling does all of these things, that’s money back in our budget,” she said.

Kristen also said Rippling helps keep Superhuman’s back office lean. “Because we’re using Rippling, it means I don’t need to hire a full-time people ops generalist at this time. It’s essentially saving me a headcount, and I can use those resources towards something with larger business impact.”

The Impact

  • Time saved: With Rippling, Superhuman cuts time spent on HR and IT tasks by 75%, saves 15 hours a month on manual admin tasks, and onboards twice as fast.
  • Costs saved: Rippling’s unified platform of HR and IT capabilities saved Superhuman from paying for extra software. 
  • Headcount spared: Rippling saved Rippling from making a full-time administrative hire, freeing resources up for strategic projects. 

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